
What I have learned...

So here is the thing when asking God for patience you must take into consederation that He most likely will give a lot of opportunities to use said patiences that you asked for...
So then when you aren't practicing how do you expect to ever get anywhere?
Well I have learned that there is this famous famous quote...practice makes perfect...really comes into great play for this situation I have put myself in...
You see I keep asking for patiences yet when the time comes for me to use patiences... I end up getting frustrated and saying something like "man I need someone to pray that I get some patiences"
Which anyone who prays it is indeed much appreciated :))
But okay analogy time...
If someone is sick and they ask for someone to pray they get better yet never rest or take any medicine to help them get better how much longer will it take for them to get better then if they had taken medicine and rested?
Put it this way...a lot longer...
So maybe we should be praying instead
"Lord, help me practice this said patiences in which I am asking for"

And that I what I have come learned today :)))



I didn't put my sign off!!!!!!!!!!


Ps. This gets an lol XDD

New app?!??

So I have now found a totally easier way to blog on my iTouch that yes I have YET to put down since I got it but that is besides the point...
So anyways I was thinking that there seems to be an app (shorthand for application lol) for just about
Then I thought maybe there is an app for blogger?!?!
So with some searching and reading I have found it! Infact I am using it right now to write this entry! Amazing isn't it! I think yes!
WooHoo! Excitement! Lol.
So yeah it's great :))))