i'm giving up on those stupid weird word what not.
no more weird word.
i have decided. that i will NEVER be able to spell.
and therefore if a word comes up.
that is not spelled correctly.
feel free to leave a comment about it.
but really.
why leave a comment?
also i'm giving up on grammar.
really. when you think about it.
this blog is just all my stupid random witty thoughts that come to mind and what i'm doing during the day.
which i decide to share with you.
and in my head i dont think things like.
so today i went to the mall [period] and saw a guy [period]
yeah no period thinking in my head.
it just doesn't happen.
so yeah. that's all i have to say about that.
but yeah. umm. i'm going to bed.
i'm not doing good.
with keeping up with a blog any more.
wow. i've also been saying that alot.
one of these days i'll actually act on my complaining and lack of being a horrible blogger and you shall have bekah back! lol.
okay then.
weird thought.
i just drank some water.
and it was yuking.
so now i think i shall puke.
yeah. ugh. not fun!
anyways. i came up with something.
and wrote it on myspace.
what do you do when you dont know what to do?
jump up and down.
spin around in a circle.
act a little crazy.
take chances.
risk it all.
and regret nothing.
because life is too short.
to just wait around.
not too bad eh? lol.
oh and i have a total fav song!
Only Hope by Mandy Moore!
so hope to be able to actually sing that song one day.
and have a crowd.
so far me and my shower head are making a deal with my curtain about going on tour in my room.
dont know how its going to go down though.
hehe =]]
i so funny.
okay that's conceited.
work on that.
oh so how about i just had a random spurt of how OCD i really am.
i have been getting EVIL mail from colleges.
like crazy too! and it was really driving me insane.
and one day my dad had said bek you better be organizing this stuff.
only he didn't really mean it and was just saying it out of announces to how much mail i was getting!
so then. tonight. i decided at like 10:45ish. to organize it all!
yeah. dont know why.
but from there i organized my entire desk.
well mostly. and some other places too.
i have no idea what came over me.
but it is now 11:25ish.
and i'm so tired!
and going to bed.
wow. i've also been saying that alot.
one of these days i'll actually act on my complaining and lack of being a horrible blogger and you shall have bekah back! lol.
okay then.
weird thought.
i just drank some water.
and it was yuking.
so now i think i shall puke.
yeah. ugh. not fun!
anyways. i came up with something.
and wrote it on myspace.
what do you do when you dont know what to do?
jump up and down.
spin around in a circle.
act a little crazy.
take chances.
risk it all.
and regret nothing.
because life is too short.
to just wait around.
not too bad eh? lol.
oh and i have a total fav song!
Only Hope by Mandy Moore!
so hope to be able to actually sing that song one day.
and have a crowd.
so far me and my shower head are making a deal with my curtain about going on tour in my room.
dont know how its going to go down though.
hehe =]]
i so funny.
okay that's conceited.
work on that.
oh so how about i just had a random spurt of how OCD i really am.
i have been getting EVIL mail from colleges.
like crazy too! and it was really driving me insane.
and one day my dad had said bek you better be organizing this stuff.
only he didn't really mean it and was just saying it out of announces to how much mail i was getting!
so then. tonight. i decided at like 10:45ish. to organize it all!
yeah. dont know why.
but from there i organized my entire desk.
well mostly. and some other places too.
i have no idea what came over me.
but it is now 11:25ish.
and i'm so tired!
and going to bed.
This is me.
Officially saying that I.
Rebekah-Elizabeth Noelani Lane.
is a horrible blogger.
hmm. i'm going to need to work on this one.
okay okay okay.
so here i am!
what news do i have for you?
well. there is some good news.
but i can't state it online due to the fact that this is in fact the internet and anyone could see this and so if some one i dont want to see this sees this then bekah will not have good news anymore.
but just know that i am happy.
well VERY happy actually. =]]
when and mainly IF this actually happens to me.
you, my blog page, will be the first to know! lol.
i sound crazy don't i?
well i am. so its nothing new is it?
okay then lets see. that's really it.
haha. my only news and i can't even tell you guys!
oh i have a book recommendation for you guys.
well series recommendation.
"The House Of Night Series" written by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
pretty good series if you liked the Twilight series.
basically its like Twilight meets Harry Potter.
but still good although you should not read these books if you are under the age of well. hmm. umm. probably 14 or 13 and below. shouldn't read the books. but that's beside the point.
lets see here. some bekah advice. oh i got some.
here some advice on relationship!
Bekah Advice Time: Girls, if you make the first move do beware that the guy might take you for being desperate. BUT, if he makes a move back then its all good. Although if time goes by and no move by either of you have been made, DO NOT MAKE THE FIRST MOVE AGAIN! Trust me on this. Just wait it out. See what happens. And who knows, he just might make it!
well i have school work to do and shows to watch.
i'm out yall!
Rebekah-Elizabeth Noelani Lane.
is a horrible blogger.
hmm. i'm going to need to work on this one.
okay okay okay.
so here i am!
what news do i have for you?
well. there is some good news.
but i can't state it online due to the fact that this is in fact the internet and anyone could see this and so if some one i dont want to see this sees this then bekah will not have good news anymore.
but just know that i am happy.
well VERY happy actually. =]]
when and mainly IF this actually happens to me.
you, my blog page, will be the first to know! lol.
i sound crazy don't i?
well i am. so its nothing new is it?
okay then lets see. that's really it.
haha. my only news and i can't even tell you guys!
oh i have a book recommendation for you guys.
well series recommendation.
"The House Of Night Series" written by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
pretty good series if you liked the Twilight series.
basically its like Twilight meets Harry Potter.
but still good although you should not read these books if you are under the age of well. hmm. umm. probably 14 or 13 and below. shouldn't read the books. but that's beside the point.
lets see here. some bekah advice. oh i got some.
here some advice on relationship!
Bekah Advice Time: Girls, if you make the first move do beware that the guy might take you for being desperate. BUT, if he makes a move back then its all good. Although if time goes by and no move by either of you have been made, DO NOT MAKE THE FIRST MOVE AGAIN! Trust me on this. Just wait it out. See what happens. And who knows, he just might make it!
well i have school work to do and shows to watch.
i'm out yall!
some thoughts came to mind.
Let's count down the days, till the world looks up into God's face, and realizes the sins they have committed, and turn towards grace. Let's count down the days, till our wounds are healed, and the pain is no more, because that will be the day, we will start to sing praise. Let's count down the days, till all we hope and dream of, is before us, and once more we will say, "Let's count down the days, till our Savior returns, picks us up, dust us off, and brings us to the throne in which our Father sits." So come now with me, and count down the days, when we can look around, and see that what we have been waiting for, was worth it, but I imagine it will be so much more, so much better.
working. ugh.

hello, and welcome to Boldly Going! How can I be of service to you today?
i dont mind working.
but its not what i would like to be doing right now.
at least megan will be here soon for math.
but i dont want to do math either.
i'm just not winning today.
bekah advice for the week:
when in doubt, jump up and down, because life is a coloring book so color outside the lines =]]
i didn't post at all last week.
i'm sorry. i'm just a loser i guess.
i'm really getting out of habbit.
i need to get back into the flow of things.
i dont know what it is.
but life just feels so weird.
like there isn't a flow to it anymore.
hmm. i'm gonna work on that.
get back into a flow.
so i'll post each day.
sorry guys =//
i'm sorry. i'm just a loser i guess.
i'm really getting out of habbit.
i need to get back into the flow of things.
i dont know what it is.
but life just feels so weird.
like there isn't a flow to it anymore.
hmm. i'm gonna work on that.
get back into a flow.
so i'll post each day.
sorry guys =//
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